I read about the relatively new Rich Foot plugin for Obsidian, which provides an always-on footer for Obsidian Notes showing backlinks, outlinks, and creation/modification dates.
Here’s the rich footer for a daily note:
Note: I spend a great deal of time in my daily notes, since that is the primary way I log my work, capture materials I’ve pull into Obsidian, create tasks, and enter new ideas. In the screenshot above you can see backlinks from two articles I imported on 2024-11-21. Strangely, those notes don’t show as outlinks, although I reference them like this:
![[2024-11-21 Young Women Will Never Stop Talking About Sexism - Jessica Grose#Young Women Will Never Stop Talking About Sexism https www nytimes com 2024 11 20 opinion trump-gender-women-sexism html Jessica Grose Jessica Grose]]
Apparently, transclusions like the above don’t count as outlinks. I’ve submitted an issue to the creator.
One place that I expect Rich Foot will be important to my workflow is in my use of `knowledge base` notes. For example, I manage a folder of `concept` notes, like `+unions`, and it’s helpful to see outlinks and backlinks, and it works as an easy way to wander around the ‘knowledge space’.
Clicking on `+work` brings me to the `parent’ of `+unions` in the taxonomy of concepts, where I can see other `sibling` concepts, like `+mangement` and `workism`.
The reference to work’s `parent` concept of `+concepts` means `+work` is a first-tier concept in my taxonomy, like `+economics`, `ecology`, and `+politics`.
I’m uncertain how Rich Foot interacts with other sorts of notes, such as kanbans. A preliminary test suggests it will only work in ‘open as markdown’ mode.
I’ll update on my use of the tool in a later post, and especially about the transcluded outlinks issue.